Alexander Zorin’s blog

Hello, network traveler!

I’m Alexander Zorin and this is my blog. Well, there are no articles here yet, but it’s a temporary issue. The blog has just been created, at the beginning of 2023, and I am going to run it as soon as possible. The vast majority of notes will be on technical topics.

I write texts for human beings and search engines. For computers, I make scripts and invent algorithms. The main motivation for producing a blog was that I created several projects, which—as I hope—could be interesting to some brothers in mind. Here is a little list of the subjects I intend to cover first:

In my work, almost since the beginning of the millennium, I’ve relied on the power of Unix systems—systems invented by scientists, not marketing managers.

From time to time, I’m mistaken for one of the creators of Zorin OS Linux distribution. No. I have no relation to that team. If you’re looking for information about Zorin OS, you should visit or/and

But before you go, memorize two words to get here in the future: “Zorin” and “blog” — and one day you will find here a lot of valuable items about Linux, shell programming and many related topics.

I’d like to discuss some philosophical or social topics too, but I’m afraid it’s impossible for safety reasons. I’m always on the side of unhappy plain people; you can read the rest “between the lines”.


Come back next month, and I will give you some more interesting and helpful information than this boring page!

To contact me, please use:

Good luck and come again!